The Wedding Project began in August 2008 when myself and my wife, Christy Robertson, were married. We photographed, on a neutral background, all the guests at their wedding reception to see how the people that we were closest to affected our perception of ourselves.
A wedding is perhaps the only time in one’s life where all of the people that you value most congregate together at the same place and time. It is a time of joy and celebration, a time where the invited guests get to participate in a time-honored tradition. As a whole, the gathered guests present a reflection of the bride and groom. These are the people they generally hold dearest, the ones they wanted to celebrate one of the most special times in their life with, the ones they have made the choice to open themselves up to. Although they are not pictured, the bride and the groom are still the focus of these portraits (as the titles of the individual photographs attest to), but they are being defined by others.
For this project, the bride and groom are willing participants and encourage their guests to participate.
All prints, as well as a book for each wedding, are available for purchase. For sizes, pricing or more information, please contact me.